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Corrugated cardboard slitting machines, are used to slit corrugated boards into the proper shape, preparing for further processing.The corrugating machine blade is one of the important parts of the corrugating machine, Mainly divided into cross-cut long strip knife and circular slitting blades. Boemo bo potlakileng ba maemo le bokahare ba li-scoret tsa slitter le li-blades nakong ea lebelo le phahameng ts'ebetsong e sebetsa hantle haholo. Tungsten carbide, or cemented carbide, is the ideal material of choice for manufacturing corrugator slitter knives thanks to its toughness and wear & impact resistance, resulting in high precision cutting and long service life. “PASSION” manufactures corrugated slitter knives with tungsten carbide for most top-brand corrugators, for example BHS, TCY, Fosber, Justu, etc. As an ISO-certified supplier, “PASSION” has been dedicated to manufacturing tungsten carbide corrugated slitter knives for indasteri ea liphutheloana ea pampiri ka lilemo tse fetang 15. Full production lines, mature supply chain, and self-invented quality inspection methods help us guarantee our product quality, performance, and productivity.